About Virginia Technical Institute
VTI provides hands-on training in a variety of fields including electrical, plumbing, heating and air, welding, pipe-fitting, carpentry, masonry, multi-craft industrial maintenance, and project management. With the size of the building, VTI hopes to include other education opportunities that will provide further training and certification. Unique to VTI is the leadership training that will further enhance the students opportunities in the marketplace.
Students ranging from high school to adults have the opportunity to earn a journeyman’s license in a field of their choosing by attending classes two nights a week from 5-9pm. VTI uses curriculum from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), which is a standardized training process affiliated with the University of Florida. The Institute is also certified through the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
Why VTI?
We want to help—it’s our passion! We know just what you’re looking for: FAST, AFFORDABLE training that gets you the CAREER you want. We understand that time and money are precious resources – that’s why VTI is helping people of all ages get the cost-effective training they need to start successful careers. At VTI, find your path towards making a good living doing something you are passionate about. It’s time for you to get in, get out, and get going with your life, and we are here to help! YOUR ROAD TO SUCCESS BEGINS WITH VTI!
For more information, please contact us at 434.369.8200 or email us.